Highest throughput and maximized flexibility
Kjel Line
BUCHI’s latest steam distillation units are extremely accurate, ensure the sustainable use of resources and offer maximal safety during operation. The instruments have been designed to fit your individual needs and to enable the highest performance in the most convenient way.
Adjustable Steam Power: 10 - 100 %, programmable steam ramps
MaxAccuracy Mode: Yes
Sample Parameters: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite
Dist Line
The Dist Line is extremely versatile and is designed for a broad range of analytes while offering the highest operational safety. The instruments perfectly fit your individual needs and enable the highest performance in the most flexible way.
Adjustable Steam Power: 10 - 100 %, programmable steam ramps
MaxAccuracy Mode: Yes
Sample Parameters: Alcohol, essential oils, sulfite, cyanide, phenol, formaldehyde, volatile acids, VDKs, nitrogen (TKN, TVBN), nitrite, nitrite
Highest Convenience & Safety
Innovative sensor technology that minimizes exposure of the user to chemicals, intuitive touch screen for easy process handling and upgradeable on demand to automate your analysis in the most convenient way.
Maximized accuracy & performance
Automatic recognition of distillation start for perfect reproducibility, distillation endpoint is recognized automatically for highest accuracy and automated titration with connected titrators for minimum user interaction
Saved Resources & Time
Optimized alkalization step for saving up to 30 % of reagent, intelligent cooling water control for lower water consumption, no preheating required resulting in higher time-efficiency and automated distillation & titration enables unattended operation.
KjelMaster K-375 & KjelSampler K-376 / K-377
Perform potentiometric or colorimetric titrations with the KjelMaster K-375 and a free choice of methods at perfect usability. Gain high throughput, more automation and sophisticated data management for convenient nitrogen and protein analysis.
Adjustable Steam Power: Yes, 30 – 100%
Autosampler: Yes, either 24 or 48 sample positions
Sample Parameters: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite
Operate your KjelMaster K-375 without being physically present. High-throughput processing of up to 48 samples is possible with KjelMaster K-377 or up to 24 samples with KjelMaster K-376. Enjoy high automation levels with perfect process synchronization of all steps from digestion to automated sampling. Use two independent racks with KjelMaster K-377 to achieve a continuous batch workflow.
The KjelMaster K-375 & KjelSampler K-376 / K-377 is the smallest bench top system available, giving you more flexibility in how you use your lab space. Prioritize the most important samples with the "express rack" for a highly efficient workflow. Choose between automatic or manual operation at any time to suit your changing needs. The system is compatible with all BUCHI sample tubes (100 mL, 300 mL, 500 mL) and offers free choice of methods at perfect usability.
Convenient and safe
With the KjelMaster K-375 & KjelSampler K-376 / K-377, there is no sample tube cleaning or glass transfer necessary, saving you time and ensuring your process remains clean and reliable. All handling of reagents is automated, eliminating any contact between you and harmful chemicals. Load your sample rack safely and smoothly at any time for a comfortable user experience. Finally, extend the lifetime of your glassware and save costs thanks to reduced exposure to chemicals.
KjelDigester K-446 / K-449
The KjelDigester K-446 / K-449 reduces the block digestion process by up to 2 hours and meets the highest safety requirements. The high degree of automation is the perfect match to the KjelMaster System allowing more samples per day to be processed.
Max. Temperature: 450°C
Sample Positions: 20
Sample Parameters: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
Save up to two hours by accelerating the heating and cooling step of your digestion. Directly transfer the 20 position rack to the KjelSampler for an efficient workflow. Make optimal use of your time thanks to the automatic lift and delayed start time that make an unattended operation of the KjelDigester K-449 possible. With the KjelDigester K-449 you can also readily program time and temperature profiles and benefit from full control of the Scrubber K-415.
Safe and convenient
Effectivley transfer harmful fumes thanks to the improved sealing of the KjelDigester K-446 / K-449. Eliminate contact with hot samples with the automatic lift of KjelDigester K-449. A magnetic suction module fixation allows you to process more samples per day more conveniently. The protective drip tray of the instrument extends the lifetime of the block and accessories to save money and protect the environment from unnecessary waste.
The KjelDigester K-446 / K-449 is fully compliant to official regulations like AOAC, ISO and EN. Accurately control your temperature with a programmed profile and perform reproducible digestions thanks to an improved thermal homogeneity.
SpeedDigester K-425 / K-436 / K-439
Set new standards for digestion speed, flexible use and result reproducibility with the IR SpeedDigester. Achieve higher sample throughput for nitrogen determination by Kjeldahl digestion and multiply functionality with this entry level IR digester.
Max. Temperature: 580°C
Sample Positions: 5 - 12
Sample Parameters: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), heavy metals, phosphate
High speed and throughput
Save time thanks to faster heat transfer from infrared heaters to samples and a quicker cool-down process. Increase your sample throughput by reducing the processing times. Accelerate your digestion step with continuous addition of H2O2.
The SpeedDigester K-425 / K-436 combines both Kjeldahl and reflux digestion in one instrument. Flexibly use any BUCHI sample tubes (100 mL, 300 mL, 500 mL), which are compliant with ISO 6060 for COD or other reflux digestion (e.g. aqua regia). The SpeedDigester is also suitable for aqueous samples thanks to a dedicated suction module.
Improve your safety with sealed suction modules that make efficent transfer of harmful fumes possible. Combine with Scrubber K-415 to achieve effective neutralization of fumes, operate the unit safely and extend the lifetime of your fumehood.
Read more about Buchi Kjeldahl Systems